Sunday, March 30, 2008


I've written 4 or 5 posts that, upon completion of each, for some reason or another, I am not able to publish. Ah. sigh.


I am learning that laziness or idleness, at least inasmuch as I experience it, is the breeding ground for many terrible practices and ideas.

here's a quote that I had made the mistake of commenting on in one of the aforementeioned invisible posts:

We can not find the Cross of Jesus if we shrink from going to the place where it is to be found, namely, the public death of the sinner. And we refuse to bear the Cross when we are ashamed to take upon ourselves the shameful death of the sinner in confession.

-Dietrich Bonhoeffer

I found it very profound. If I had included my commentary, it would become less so, perhaps even trite.

Also, A good friend shared a quote taken from a foreign seminary students paper that he had been proofreading, which I found to be quite amusing:

God brought salivation to the world through Jesus Christ

I am once again struck by the ease by which the sacred is turned into the sacrilegious [the profound into the profane]. Perhaps the line is thinner then we think, one might even question its existence all together.

1 comment:

Jae Han said...

Perhaps that that distinction is a lie? That salivation is not sacrireligious in the least, but reveals the true mystery of Christ, that He became man, to poop to eat and all that.
Jesus is fully man! :)

or maybe im just a heretic.