Sunday, March 30, 2008

And His Kingdom Will Have no End

I learned in Mass today that the Easter season is a 50 day period of celebration, which stands in striking contrast to my past celebrations of it. Before I experienced it as the day of the Risen Lord; now, I realize that this is only the beginning--a quite surprising and awesome beginning--and that the days that follow are worthy of contemplation as well [days leading up to Pentecost]. These are the days where Christ began the great work of building his kingdom and church on the earth through the apostles, a period leading up to the great outpouring of God's power as he gives the Holy Spirit to the disciples and those who recieve the message of the Gospel.

Today at work I heard a funny story about Sergei Rachmaninoff, the famous Russian composer, from my boss. He said he had heard it from an old women when he had been younger. I will do my best to relate the second second hand story of the old women's story:

Apparently when she was a young girl/women, she went to Russia to hear Rachmaninoff perform. During the performance of one his more well known pieces, in the middle of playing it, he lost his way. Instead of stopping, he continued to play, improvising for a number of minutes until he found his way back into the piece, and, from there, played it to completion. Upon finishing, he slammed his hands down on the keyboard, threw back his head, and let out a laugh. Being a man known for his struggles with melancohia and depression, such an action was quite striking. A number of music students who knew his music well were sitting in the front row. Immediatly after he finished, fully aware of what had just happened, they all stood up and applauded furiously.
the end

I'm not sure why I found this story so interesting; regardless, I decided to write it down rather then forget it. I hope the magic contained within the verbal telling is contained in my transcription of it.


J.M. Harper said...

zach marr. are the rumors true? is your hair really grown long?

cx said...

"without him was not any thing made that was made" (jn1), salivation included, zach, i think it's legit.

also i like stories about grouchy old composers.

also what is this RUMOUR jason is on about? tell all!


m said...

Hey its Zach Marr!

Jae Han said...

kingdom of God
kingdom of God
kingdom of God

Daniel Austin Read said...

zach, first of all i enjoyed your comment. I will look forward to the hundred dollars you are sending me.

I enjoyed this post a lot. I feel somewhat the same way you do. These days between easter and Pentecost are important one's to remember. What was happening is of up most importance to our faith, and important to allowing us to live in the story of Christ redeeming, building, and sending his church. I feel like I'm in the same boat as you because this is the first time that i have decided to realize what this time means and what was happening and is happening.

It gets bigger too as you said, that the main event was Jesus's death and resurrection not us receiving the holy spirit even though that was big. It's interesting how with Jesus everything seems flipped backwards and unless we slow down to see his planning in it, it doesn't make sense

sumin said...

I don't go to mass often, but when I went on Easter morning, Father Tom talked about the 50 days of Easter, which I didn't know about. It was nice. No penance, no feasting, just celebrating our Risen Lord! I liked that.

I found you too. Teehee.

Nathalie L. said...

hi zach!
i like the rachmaninoff story. :)