Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Few Details

Today and Yesterday's Notable Events:

Worked out today for the first time in ages with my old man; the result: tired- and sore-ness. Got up at 5 p.m. to drive to Austin's highest 'mountain' and break my body.

Had my first day of class for two audit courses I'm taking at a local seminary (Ancient Greek and Hebrew). Courses are full of people 10-30 years my elder. The professor's are both PTS grads.

[My stance towards listing uninteresting details about daily life - previously unfavorable - may be shifting]

In other news, this video provided some laughs last week for my family and myself:

I don't really understand what William Shatner, or for that matter, the persons in charge of this event, was thinking. [<-- is it 'was' or 'were' there?] Anyhow, apparently it was a common error an aesthetic sensibilities at the time; As evidence, I present exhibit B:


Jae Han said...

shalom, 'ahab-ti-cha. hehe, you'll figure out what that means soon enough... hehe.

J.M. Harper said...