Friday, April 10, 2009

Welcome to the Stalk Market

My compulsion to read others blogs is getting out of control - help.

In other news, Ted Haggard has been on my radar ever since his disturbing behavior in the movie Jesus Camp; needless to say, I wasn't surprised when I heard about his scandal. Here's a video from before he was caught; can you feel that something's a little off? (btw. he was denounced by a male prostitute for having sex with him and doing crystal meth)

I was curious how this would turn out in the end. Peoples histories are case studies for the way life works; pay attention and you'll learn a lot. Anyway, today I found this (the whole interview can be found in five parts on youtube, but these guys did a good job at picking out two of the most interesting clips):

and than this,

All in all, I feel there's a lot to be learned from TH's story. If you have time, you should look at some of the other interviews on youtube.


Sumin said...

wow, you can totally tell you are supposed to be working on your thesis -- you keep updating your blog. :)

it keeps me entertained... very thought provoking entries, especially the one on blasphemous images.

Unknown said...

wow interesting stuff zach!