Sunday, October 19, 2008

Welcome Sabbath, Yelodim, and Jack and Jill

The following were taken from Mother Goose's Rhymes for Jewish Children (1945, 61 pgs)

Welcome Sabbath

I will dress up in my best,
For Sabbath comes just like a guest;
I will see the candels shine,
And will say the prayer for wine.
Welcome, Sabbath, welcome guest!
Welcome, Sabbath, day of rest!


This little Yeled said,
"I went to school."
This little Yeled said,
"I went to Shool."
This little Yeled said,
"I saw a Menorah."
This little Yeled said,
"I saw a Torah."
And this little Yeled said,
"Sholom, my dear Morah."

Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill
Went up the hill
To borrow some Charoses.
Jack fell down
And broke his crown,
So Jill drank his four Kosos.

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