Saturday, June 28, 2008

Update (long overdue)

Today, I realize that I only write when I'm procrastinating, emotionally traumatized or impassioned about one thing or another. So now that I'm writing, the question is, why. Which I am experiencing at this very moment?? Actually, the truth is, right now, none. Deciding that this is not a healthy way to go about writing, this post is in defiance of my usual habit. If I had to explain the origins of this blogpost, by 'had' I mean if there was a gun to my head , I would probably attribute it to the presence of emotional trauma.

Three days ago I arrived in Buenos Aires. Three days ago I realized I should not be in Buenos Aires. There are, coincidentally, three reasons for the later realization.
First, linguistically. Basic rule: In order to live and work in another country, you should be rather comfortable with the native language. Personal violation of basic rule: My spanish is, at best, a bucket with holes leaking out the meaning of everything I try to communicate.
Second, professionally. Basic rule: In order to help out with a Research project, you need to bring some experience and knowledge to the table. Personal violation of basic rule: My pre-research consisted, more or less, of a few days reading in the library.
Third, Stadtkenntnis [city knowledge; my own german neologism]. Basic rule: When traveling to a new city in a foreign country, make sure you know something about or someone in the city. Personal violation of basic rule: Buenos Aires is a city I know nothing about.

[end insight in to current situation here]

Nevertheless, I hope. I worked out a simple proof that trumps all the above reasons:

Simple proof: I am here. Therefore, at follows that I can't be anywhere else. Conclusion: If, we accept the proposition that God wills all things, and that His will is unchangeable and good, then, I must and should be here!

[the above is meant to be neither ironic or completely earnest]

God is good. He is, like always, providing, teaching, training, and rebuking.
I am, once again, reduced to living day by day.

Friday, I began work. My project is a dream-project. If I graduate, an important question by itself, and got a similar job with pay, delight would follow . Currently, there's only one problem preventing me from being in a constant state of bliss: My spanish sucks.
Why is the problematic? Here's one reason: my co-workers speak only spanish. Qualification: they speak only tornado spanish. Translation: they speak the fastest spanish I have ever, in my ganzes leben, heard. Other than that, it's not a problem. (Side note: O well, I did pray for my spanish and german to improve significantly this summer. Here's a perfect opportunity.)

In other news:

yes! great trip. I should have blogged about it. But, I didn't. SO, by proof once again, I shouldn't have blogged about it: I didn't blog about it. Therefore, it follows, if we accept as a proposition God's unchangeable and good will, that I couldn't and shouldn't have blogged about it.

Highpoint: Unsure. The whole trip: a beautiful erlebnis [experience].
New friends = plus one; Visiting E. for the first time = plus one; Improving my german = plus one; count = ~200

Last night I watched Winter's Light by Ingmar Bergman - a provoking film to say the least. Overtly religious in theme, this film, along with a few of his others, is unique among films in that it centers on the exploration of explicit theological questions and is successful. Polyphonic in treatment of it's question- thanks to Tsheko for this useful word- it refuses to champion a single vision of reality. but, rather, allows its questions to be addressed by a plurality of effective voices. While watching the film, I jotted down some notes which I was going to include at the end of this post. I now realize that they require a bit of expansion to make them post-worthy and it seems like to much work. Perhaps later.

One thought: Christ on the cross is disgusting. He is a truly terrible sight; Foolishness and idiocracy embodied. An offense to human reason and thought. He does not hang is a hero, but a criminal. He does not occupy a condescending place above us, but a despicable place next to us. He is dying with humanity. He takes on our sin. At that moment he is no longer separate from us. He becomes sin: repulsive and dreadful. And dies.
Here is our comfort and hope.

Scripture on the same idea:
"For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe.... But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God" I Corinthians

Ok. that's all for now. Best. love. peace. joy.